Monday, June 23, 2008

Thing #6 Working Out

I found this really neat site that will be great for me personally and for my students at school and their parents. Since I teach physical education, I decided to look under sports. I found this site at It tracks your workouts for you. You can put in whatever workout you want to do or it will suggest some for you. You can do this by yourself or you can join a team that is already there. You also, can create your own team. Wouldn't that be great if some of your students created their own team. After that, you could start getting parents involved in starting their own team. With so much talk lately about the overweight issue in kids and adults, maybe if they joined together on a team, they could motivate each other to workout daily and be more healthy.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thing # 2 Avatar

Wow!!! I am slow to catch on. It took me hours, yes hours, to set up that avatar. It really helps if I would read instructions first. I do like what I picked out though. That is so me with a tan, diamond sunglasses on the beach. Wish I was that thin. I have 49 more days to work on that part of me.
