Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shan's Summerization!!!!!

Wow!!! I can't believe I'm here. There were lots of times I didn't think I would be here. I definately spent way over 24 hours on it but maybe that was because I was so far behind on times on the computer and how things work.
One of my very favorite things was Animoto. I just can't wait to get back from Vegas with some pictures so I can do that again. I enjoyed making my igoogle page also. Another thing that I just loved and have already used alot was called playlist. I don't even think that was part of this assignment but I discovered it on someone elses blog that I was looking at so I did it. It's so nice now to hear the music I want to hear with the click of a button. Thanks goes to the person I got that from. I have learn so many new things that I can now use at school and at home. I feel like I am in 2008 now. I do think if another discovery program like this was offered in the future that yes, I would do it. I am going to have a blog this year for the kids and the parents to use and see how that goes.
I have to say I met my goal. I got the hours I needed. I got a new computer. I now have high speed internet. As a gift to myself for meeting my goals, I bought myself a brand new red Ipod Nano to download music to. Yes, I will have music on that airplane to Vegas in 9 more days. If you read my first post, it said my goal this summer was to learn how to download music. IT'S DONE AND VEGAS HERE I COME!!!!!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Congratulations! You did it. I love that you rewarded yourself with the cool nano! Have fun in Vegas!!